Get all videos posted by a user or multiple user's. This is a convenience
wrapper around tt_search_api
that takes care of moving time
windows (search is limited to 30 days). This is the version of
tt_user_videos that explicitly uses Research API. Use
tt_user_videos_hidden for the unofficial API version.
- username
The username or usernames whose videos you want to retrieve.
- since
limit from when on to go through the account in 30 day windows.
- verbose
should the function print status updates to the screen?
- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to the
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get videos from the user "fpoe_at" since October 2024
tt_user_videos_api("fpoe_at", since = "2024-10-01")
# often makes sense to combine this with the account creation time from the
# hidden URL
fpoe_at_info <- tt_user_info_hidden(username = "fpoe_at")
tt_user_videos_api("fpoe_at", since = fpoe_at_info$create_time)
} # }